banter on area arts and culture

19 July 2006

Holy Fast Response, Batman, or, It's nice when...

Last evening I ran into Pete from the City of Grand Forks who let me know that all was well with the world. The city has addressed the problem of artists in the park (playing) and there should be no problem with it. The police have been informed, and unless the artists violate a noise ordinance, there should be absolutely no reason they can't peddle, play or pan handle. I promised Pete I'd give a call to all the street urchins I know and invite them forth.

It is a great feeling to be able to have answer's to your questions, and to get attention from the City of Grand Forks - to have your issues addressed and dealt with in a timely matter. Kudos Grand Forks, and well done.

Moving foward. Onward and up.

Thanks :: Ben :: Team CulturePulse


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete H rocks. GF has a great public servant in him.

4:47 PM

Blogger Benjamin Klipfel said...

Pete, are you posting anonymous comments about yourself? :) J/K.

9:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete does seem to be a pretty level dude surrounded by the clueless down there at City Hall. Good man.

Regarding the prior public servant comment...I'm always reminded of the scene in Beetlejuice when the lead character is at some civil service employees counter and all of the employees have a gun shot wound, slit throat and wrists, etc. The message is...people who think that real life is so bad that they commit suicide, end up working as a civil servant in the afterlife to show them what bad really is!!!

1:09 PM


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